Brie – Old Telegraph Road by Jindi
Old Telegraph Road (OTR) Brie by Jindi
3kg wheel
The OTR Brie is a typical French style brie with a subtle aroma of mushrooms and earthiness. The complex mix of yeast, mould and surface bacteria is responsible for its slightly crusty rind. As the cheese ripens its light white mould begins to show a reddish brown appearance. Brie is a high moisture content cheese matured in an environment of high humidity. The cheese always ripens from the exterior to the centre. It is a well-balanced soft-textured, rich and creamy cheese with a creamy soft centre that should ooze onto the plate. Flavour characteristics will continue to develop with age. The mouth feel is one of subtle lingering flavours.
Try it with a crisp Sauvignon Blanc and a crunchy baguette or sour dough.