Mature Cheddar Red Wax

Vintage CheddarMaffra Mature Cheddar 150g
Maffra Mature Cheddar
1.7kg Waxed Pyramid & 150g portions
The cheddar cheese is matured for 8-12 months. The flavor is smooth and clean and has a firm texture with a pleasant nuttiness. Made using the spring milk from a single herd of Holstein Friesians, Maffra Mature Cheddar embodies the richness of Gippsland’s dairy country. Made using the spring milk from a single herd of Holstein Friesians, Maffra Mature Cheddar embodies the richness of Gippsland’s dairy country. Maffra Mature Cheddar is matured to a distinctive smooth flavour, with peak maturity between 12 and 18 months.

Mature Cheddar Red Wax 150g – $5.15 per portion (for multiple portions adjust the quantity  in the shopping cart)

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